A fully scalable, decentralized platform that enables encrypted data streaming and high volume of micro-transactions.
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Happy New Year! Here’s to a year of peace, growth, success, and endless possibilities. Cheers to a happy 2025!
As we are approaching 2024, we are excited to use this opportunity to share our vision and most important developments which await us.
We have recently achieved several significant milestones in the ongoing development of the Ixian platform.
Distributed Ledger Technology
Ixian DLT is a revolutionary blockchain that brings several innovative advantages, such as processing a high volume of micro-transactions quickly while consuming a low amount of processing power, disk space and energy. Native currency of Ixian DLT is IxiCash.

Custom made, built-from-scratch DLT platform that solves traditional problems encountered by other blockchains, ensures diversity and a competitive market.

High volumes of micro transactions are handled quickly and efficiently, without network congestion.

The Ixian DLT can function even with very limited processing power thanks to the new efficient consensus-based block acceptance algorithm.

Decentralized, Secure Data Streaming Network
Ixian S2 is a decentralized streaming network which enables fast and secure data transmission between users and gives them the ability to earn revenue. Ixian S2 also solves traditional scaling problems with systems that broadcast real-time content. Ixian's network enables development of next generation projects, ranging from simple streaming networks, to complex gaming networks and live broadcast events.

Fast & secure end-to-end communication ensures complete privacy while offering maximum data transfer speeds.

Every node can earn revenue by participating in the network and thus improve Ixian's reach and stability.

Decentralized architecture means absolutely no downtime - the network will always be available.

Next generation Instant Messenger with integrated digital asset Wallet
Spixi is a truly decentralized, fast and secure chat app that takes the familiar messaging experience to a new level. Spixi aims to provide users with the best possible communication experience and ensures the highest level of privacy and security. Additionally, Spixi includes a secure, easy to use digital asset wallet, which enables its users to easily offer paid services, trade or simply transfer digital assets.

Spixi delivers the best possible communication experience on any device, be it text, voice or video chat.

Digital asset transfer allows users to quickly send and receive value. It also allows users to earn revenue by offering premium services.

Decentralized architecture enables users to always be available online, as long as there is an internet connection.
IxiCash Pools
You can mine IxiCash on the following pools:
Development Roadmap
Join us on our journey
Project Ixian is rapidly evolving. The Ixian products are developed in stages, with the Roadmap below giving you a glimpse of the project's timeline.
* We treat the roadmap as a live document and as such is subject to changes.
Stay tuned.
Idea & concept development
Market research
Tech research
Legal research
ICO research
Project planning
Whitepaper (concept)
Overview paper
DLT, S2 Prototype Development
Whitepaper (concept)
Website concept
DLT, S2 Prototype Development
Spixi Planning
Overview paper
Website development
DLT Prototype testing
S2, Spixi Prototype Development
Project re-evaluation
Crowdfunding preparations
DLT Alpha Development
S2, Spixi Prototype Development
DLT Beta Development
S2, Spixi Alpha Development
DLT Beta testing
S2, Spixi Beta Development
Website update
DLT, S2 Beta Testnet release
DLT Beta Mainnet release
DLT Beta maintenance releases
DLT Beta improvements and maintenance releases
S2, Spixi Beta Mainnet release
SDK Beta (Delayed until Q2 2020)
Ixian DLT Beta Maintenance Releases
Spixi Beta v0.3 update
Documentation pages release
Ixian DLT Beta Maintenance Releases
Ixian DLT Client related updates
Ixian S2 v0.4 update
Spixi Beta v0.4 update
Ixian DLT Client related updates
Spixi v0.5 Release
SDK Beta
Ixian DLT Gamma Release
Ixian S2, Spixi Gamma Release
SDK v1.0 Release
Ixian DLT Mainnet monitoring and maintenance updates
Testing and research
Ixian S2 maintenance updates
Spixi Beta v0.6 update
Ixian DLT Ixiac Omega development
Block v9 and TX v6 update
IxiWatt Easy Miner release
S2 Maintenance update
Spixi v0.6.2 update
Ixian DLT - Maintenance updates
Ixian S2 - Communication Optimization
Spixi - Encryption and security updates
IXI Bridge
Ixian DLT - Storage optimizations
Ixian S2 - Optimization update
Spixi - Communication updates
Business Development
Spixi dark theme and biometric auth support
IxiOfflineTools released
Ixiac Omega Development
Omega Testing Pre-Release
Spixi WPF Improvements
Explorer Update
Ixiac Omega
Spixi Ixiac Omega compatibility
S2 Ixiac Omega compatibility
DLT performance and stability improvements
Spixi compatibility improvements
Explorer Update
Upgrade projects to .net6
Upgrade Spixi to MAUI
The Ixian core team has vast knowledge and expertise when it comes to software development, graphic design, marketing, public relations and project management. Each member of Ixian's team has years of professional experience in their respective role, ensuring the required capabilities for Ixian to succeed.

With 15 years of experience in professional software engineering and project management, Marko managed and personally developed numerous advanced software products.

Has 15 years of experience in software engineering. Work ranged from Augmented Reality to IM services to high-performance server technology.